Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show Questions in Estevan, Saskatchewan Answered!

Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show Questions?

We’ve Got Answers to the top 50 FAQs You Ask Jesse Lewis Stage Hypnotist from Estevan, Saskatchewan.

As comedy stage hypnotist, I get dozens of questions on a daily basis surrounding my comedy stage hypnosis show in Estevan, Saskatchewan.  In this article I have tried to answer all of the stage-specific questions I receive. In an effort to help you fully understand how fantastic a hypnosis show can be, here are answers to just about every question you can think of.

Of course, if you have a stage hypnosis question that isn’t answered below feel free to reach out with your questions!

  1. What is Comedy Stage Hypnosis?

A Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show will combine different aspects of hypnosis in an entertaining, comedic and fun performance. The comedy stage hypnosis show allows hypnotists to showcase the power of hypnosis through live demonstrations using volunteers from the audience. Some people can be apprehensive or skeptical as to how a hypnotist is able to embed suggestions and commands in someone’s subconscious mind. A comedy hypnosis show gives people of the audience an opportunity to witness firsthand how hypnosis works.

Jesse Lewis has spoken about his uses for comedy stage hypnosis on several occasions. It all boils down to this “Comedy hypnosis is a fantastic introduction into the world or hypnosis.” Jesse explains further, “I give the people a safe, clean, fun, fascinating and entertaining entry into hypnosis and after that, they start to wonder exactly what the mind can actually do.”

  1. Are Comedy Stage Hypnosis Shows Dangerous?

Hypnosis is 100% safe and not dangerous at all when performed by a trained and experienced hypnotist. A comedy stage hypnosis show is designed to create light-hearted and fun demonstration of hypnosis.

A qualified stage hypnotist would never put his hypnotized volunteers in any danger. An experienced hypnotist will also be able to control high energy shows so that everyone on the stage and seated in the audience are always out of harm’s way.

There will always be an element of risk when you have up to 20 volunteers on stage. The same is true for all forms of entertainment. A professional comedy hypnotist will know how to assess the volunteers quickly to ensure they’re mentally stable and have no physical injuries. The stage hypnotist must also ensure that all participants play well together on stage. During the entire duration of the comedy hypnosis show, the hypnotist will keep the volunteers away from the edge of the stage and at a safe distance from the steps. All professional and experienced hypnotist will be sure to explain the show rules to the hypnotized participants:

  1. How Do I Know I’m Booking a Professional Hypnotist?

Here’s the little secret that no one tells you about becoming a hypnotist. Are you ready? Someone can attend a hypnosis training program and become a bon afide hypnotist in a matter of a couple of weeks. Or some have been known to just read a book and get on stage with no real life training at all!  So if you’re looking at a hypnotist’s website to learn more about their comedy show, look deeper than just the title of Stage Hypnotist.

One of the most important questions you can ask a hypnotist to learn of their skill level is, “How long have you been a hypnotist?”  Even that question won’t allow you to know if you can truly trust that person’s skill level. If someone has been baking cakes for, let’s say, 10 years, would you trust that they know what they’re doing; or, would you still want to try a cake sample? Ask for proof in the form of testimonials a demo video or maybe even a full show on video.

Another important tip for booking a hypnotist is realizing that there are many different types of hypnotists out there. You want someone that not only is highly experienced in hypnosis, but also someone who gives a great performance to make your event really shine.

Ask to see videos of some of their past comedy stage hypnosis shows in Estevan, Saskatchewan. This will allow you to really see if the stage hypnotist you’re booking is professional and aligns with the type of atmosphere you’re hoping to create for your guests. Jesse Lewis provides a safe clean fun hypnosis show since 2007.

  1. Are Hypnotized Volunteers Faking It on Stage?

Ah, the skeptics of hypnosis all assume that the volunteers at a hypnosis show are faking it. Let’s let you in on another hypnosis secret… professional stage hypnotists know when someone is not hypnotized. That’s usually the time when the volunteer is tapped on the shoulder and asked to go back into the audience.

  1. Can Anyone Be Hypnotized at a Comedy Hypnosis Show in Estevan, Saskatchewan?

Stage Hypnotist Jesse Lewis said it best in a recent hypnosis television interview:

“Here’s the thing, everyone is the same. Nobody is different. Hypnosis is always all-access. It’s not gender specific, color specific, height specific; there’s no restrictions. Hypnosis is genuinely open to everyone. All the magic associated with the power of hypnosis is really in your own mind. Hypnosis is accessible to everyone. We have all experienced it 100’s of times in our lives so why not on stage. It is a state where you are fully aware you just don’t care. You have to experience it for yourself to understand what you’re truly capable of.”

  1. What are the Age Limitations of Audience Volunteers at Hypnosis Shows?

This question is tricky to answer as hypnosis holds no age barrier. Some children are more mature than others; some can focus more; some can use their creativity and are good at following instructions. As a general rule of thumb, a hypnotist will request the hypnosis show volunteers be at least 14 years old when performing certain events like fairs or festivals.

While Jesse Lewis has hypnotized children under the age of 14, it’s all a case-by-case basis. Stage Hypnotist Lewis has hypnotized children as young as 5 years old. In these cases, he had the child’s parents supervising the hypnosis session in a safe and appropriate environment.

Ask the hypnotist you’re vetting what their minimum age requirement is for their performances.

  1. Can Someone with a Mental Disorder or Illness Volunteer at a Hypnosis Show?

You should NOT volunteer at a comedy hypnosis show if you suffer from a mental disorder or illness. While clinical hypnosis can be offered to those suffering with severe or mild mental disorders, you should not participate in a comedy stage hypnosis show environment.

Stage hypnotists usually include this caveat in the beginning of their shows to make sure that the volunteers do not harm themselves. Comedy stage hypnosis shows are all about having fun and someone that is suffering from psychological issues should experience hypnosis in a private setting with a clinical hypnotherapist.

  1. Can Someone Get Stuck in a Hypnotic Trance at a Comedy Show?

This is a completely false misconception of how hypnosis works. First off, all professional stage hypnotists will talk their volunteers back into a conscious waking state. Some hypnotists will also embed a safeguard suggestion that if the volunteer doesn’t hear the hypnotist’s voice for a specific period of time, they will emerge from their hypnotic state.

It is extremely rare that a hypnotized audience member does not naturally emerge from hypnosis at the end of the show. But it has happened. For this very reason, you need to make certain you book a professional and qualified hypnotist for your event. A trained and seasoned stage hypnotist will know what to do. In all cases that I have seen where this happened the stage hypnotist had improper training or no training at all.

  1. Do Comedy Stage Hypnotists Hire Stooges, Actors or Friends in Estevan, Saskatchewan?

Hypnosis show stooges -also called horses or hired actors- are people that the hypnotist will hire to act as volunteers in the audience. For obvious reasons, lower skilled hypnotists will rig their hypnosis performance with paid participants to make sure they deliver a good show for the client.

Real stage hypnotists do not need or even want what stooges would bring to the performance. Comedy hypnosis shows are all about the natural and impromptu energy of the hypnotized participants. If you hire actors, stooges or horses, it’s just not any fun and it looks rehearsed, fake and stale. Besides do you really think a performer could bring stooges from area to area to be part of the show? The costs would be astronomical.

  1. How Does a Stage Hypnotist Pick Audience Volunteers to be Hypnotized?

If you’re really wanting to catch the attention of the stage hypnotist to become a volunteer, here are some tips to increase your chances of being selected.   

High Energy. Stage hypnotists are looking for the audience members that really want to be hypnotized. Those volunteers are usually extremely enthusiastic and are the first to throw their hands in the air.

Fun Personalities. The hypnotist will fill the stage with people who appear to have fun and outgoing personalities. This quality is essential to making sure that the show is constantly moving in a fun and hilarious direction.

Wild Attire. When you’re dressing for the hypnosis show, make sure you use bright colors or funky patterns. This will catch the hypnotist’s eye and will tell them that you’re ready to have a good time.

  1. Can a Comedy Hypnotist Tell if Someone is Susceptible to Hypnosis?

Yes, there are sneaky suggestibility tests that we stage hypnotists use to see if someone is easily susceptible to hypnosis. Here’s a spoiler alert for those of you thinking about attending a hypnosis show: The tests start even before the hypnotist comes out on stage! A lot is revealed to the hypnotist in the conversations that people are having before the event. In fact certain aspects of the event are hypnotic in nature to get you ready for the hypnosis itself.

Remember, you’re dealing with a professional here. Experienced stage hypnotists are able to easily interpret signs of someone’s susceptibility levels. They look at physical signs like pupil dilation, postural sway and someone’s accuracy to follow visual versus audio instructions.

There are tests like the Handclasp Hypnosis Susceptibility Test or the Herbert Spiegel Eyeroll Test that stage hypnotists use to determine who in the audience will really get hypnotized.

That’s all the hypnotist secrets that we’ll share for the moment. You have to be surprised with the other sneaky ways stage hypnotists can tell if you are a good candidate.

  1. How Many People Are Required to Have a Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show?

Each hypnotist you ask will have different minimum audience requirements for their show. For a really fun show, you want at least 25 people in attendance. Just remember, the more people in the audience, the higher the energy at your hypnosis show.

A 20 person show has a much different dynamic than a 400 person show. This can often come down to promoting the show and how many tickets are sold.

  1. What Kind of Audio Equipment is Needed to Host a Hypnosis Show?

Jesse Lewis has many horror stories surrounding inadequate sound at a hypnosis show. The bare basic answer is: You need to make sure you have good, clean sound. This is to ensure not only the audience can hear the performer but also the volunteers.

  1. What Does a Comedy Hypnotist Need to Perform a Successful Show?

In the entertainment industry, each performer will have their own specific technical show riders. A rider is simply a list of items that the hypnotist will need in order to perform the stage performance.

You can view Jesse Lewis’s Technical Rider here. Basically, your stage hypnotist will need:


    Main Speakers

    Stage Monitor

    Lighting in some cases

    Hospitality Requirements

  1. Is Comedy Hypnosis in Estevan, Saskatchewan Real or Fake?

Comedy hypnosis is a real form of hypnosis. Hypnosis is simply putting someone into a highly relaxed state that allows the hypnotist to speak with their subconscious mind. Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years because of the efficacy of embedding suggestions into someone’s mind.

Pointblank, comedy hypnosis is real; it’s just taking a fun and entertaining approach to the hypnosis process.

  1. Will I Give Away Private, Personal or Confidential Information While Hypnotized?

Another myth of hypnosis -perpetuated by Hollywood movies and television shows- is that a hypnotist can use mind control to extract any information they want from your brain. The brain is so much smarter than people think.

Your brain has built up defensive walls and safeguards that 100% prevents a hypnotist from poking around in there. While a mentalist is trained to scan your facial expressions to extract personal information, a hypnotist does not perform this trick.

You are 100% in control at all times while hypnotized. Your openness to suggestions is not affected by your innate inclinations to keep information private. Basically, if you wouldn’t go up to a stranger and tell them your ATM pin code, you’re not going to do it under hypnosis either.

  1. How Do I Know if the Stage Hypnotist Has a Clean, Kid-Friendly Hypnosis Show?

The only way to truly know if a stage hypnotist’s show material is kid-friendly is to ask during the booking process. Most hypnosis performers will have a wide range of styles and can customize their show for your audience. Do not skip this very important question when interviewing entertainers for your event. Ask the hypnotist to send you a video sample of their kid-friendly, clean hypnosis show material.

  1. What Are Adult Comedy Hypnosis Shows in Estevan, Saskatchewan Like?

Comedy hypnosis shows that are geared towards a 21+ audience can be great fun! Jesse does not perform an adult rated show. All of his shows are rated for a general audience. Why you ask? Well Jesse works with a lot of corporations for their events and keeps his show squeaky clean so HR like to rehire him again and again.

  1. When Does the Stage Hypnotist Begin to Hypnotize the Audience?

We’re letting out all the stage hypnotist secrets in this article. Let’s just say that the posters that you see, the atmosphere and the music that you’re listening to before the comedy hypnosis show starts isn’t played by accident. *wink wink*

  1. Will I Embarrass Myself If I Volunteer at a Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show?

Hypnosis does not make you act out of character. If the stage hypnotist gives you an instruction or suggestion that you don’t feel comfortable acting out, your brain will block that suggestion and you just will not do it. This is another reason Jesse does a clean show.

That being said, a professional comedy stage hypnotist will not give suggestions that intend to make you outright embarrass yourself. The stage hypnosis show is designed to allow you to have fun with hypnosis; the suggestions will not be malicious or blue in nature. Everyone at the event is just wanting to have a good time. There’s no need to be worried that you’ll embarrass yourself on stage.

  1. Can People in Wheelchairs Be Hypnotized?

Of course people in wheelchairs can be hypnotized. However, the event space and stage need to be wheelchair accessible.

  1. What Does the Comedy Hypnotist Do When a Volunteer Doesn’t Get Hypnotized?

Not everyone will be able to go into a hypnotic state at a comedy hypnosis show. Some people need more time to go into a hypnotic state, while others need less distractions to focus on the hypnotist’s words. Also, just because someone doesn’t get hypnotized at a comedy show doesn’t mean that they can’t ever be hypnotized.

When a comedy hypnotist sees that a volunteer at his or her show isn’t going to be hypnotized, the hypnotist will just tap that person on the shoulder and direct them back into the audience. It’s nothing against the volunteer; it’ll just take too long to get that person into the right frame of mind. Since hypnosis shows only last 45 to 90 minutes, the hypnotist has to go with the volunteers that are quicker to fall into a state of relaxation. As a hypnotist you cannot focus on one person for too long and have to take the volunteers that go into hypnosis quickly.  

  1. Can People in the Audience That Didn’t Volunteer Go into Hypnosis?

Even if you decide not to volunteer to go on stage at a hypnosis show, you could still fall into a hypnotic state. Jesse Lewis has seen many audience members go into a state of hypnosis while sitting in the theater or venue.

If you want to be hypnotized at a show from your seat, be sure to focus intently on every word of the stage hypnotist. Follow the hypnotist’s instructions and allow the suggestions to creep into your mind if you follow along you have a high chance of being hypnotized.

Often people who have been part of a dirty or adult hypnosis show will leave the room because they are afraid of participating. After Jesse’s clean performance they always come up and tell him they wish they had took part.

  1. How Does a Stage Hypnotist Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Their Show?

Stage hypnotists use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to quickly build a rapport with their audience. Professional hypnotists deliver what we call a “pre-talk” before the show. This pre-talk language is carefully planned and written by the hypnotist in order to use this communication technique with their audience.

By using NLP techniques, a stage hypnotist is able to start making suggestions to your subconscious even before the hypnosis volunteers have been selected. The hypnotist will embed secret messages into your brain that will make you feel more inclined to enter a hypnotic state.

  1. Can I Volunteer at a Hypnosis Show if I Tried Hypnosis Before and it Didn’t Work?

As stated in a previous answer, if for some reason you weren’t able to be hypnotized at one point in your life; it doesn’t mean that you can’t be hypnotized. The inability to go into a hypnotic state varies from situation to situation. There are countless factors that could’ve prevented you from being hypnotized. Nervousness and trust in the hypnotist are the main 2 reasons.

Jesse Lewis suggests that you volunteer to be hypnotized again. Having a different hypnotist; a different environment; a different state of mind may allow hypnosis to work on you this time around.

  1. Can People Suffering from ADHD Be Hypnotized at a Comedy Hypnosis Show?

One of the biggest rules for being susceptible to hypnosis is using your mind and being towards “wanting” to be hypnotized. People suffering from ADHD might, at first glance, put a mental block up and refuse the hypnotist’s suggestions to focus. Having this pre-conceived idea that you cannot focus will affect your ability to go into hypnosis. This is often actually untrue for people suffering from ADHD as they often actually hyperfocus on certain things.

That being said, clinical hypnosis has become a trending way for people to manage their ADHD. By going into a deep state of relaxation, people with ADHD are honing in on their abilities to focus more and more.

  1. Why Do Hypnotists Say That Creative People Are Better Subjects for Hypnosis?

We won’t go into the technical aspect of how hypnosis works, there are better resources for that question. But people that are creative and are good at imagining or daydreaming are ideal subjects for hypnosis. What a hypnotist does during their stage show is have the volunteers use their imagination to perform a lot of the suggestions and instructions. It is basically Improv comedy under the guidance of hypnosis.

Creative people use their imagination often and can create the world the hypnotist is laying out around them. For instance, Jesse Lewis often tells his volunteers to envision themselves sitting on a beach. Creative people will add the details that allow their subconscious to play in this world Jesse Lewis is creating. They will imagine how the sun shines down and there are birds flying around the beach.

If you aren’t creative or imaginative, you will find it difficult to participate in a hypnosis stage show. Most people are more imaginative then they give themselves credit for. If you can solve problems or think outside the box you are a perfect candidate for stage hypnosis.

  1. How Much Fun Do Hypnosis Volunteers Really Have on Stage?

First off, “having fun” is highly subjective to the person. If you’re having fun or not having fun is an emotional response that’s influenced by your personal feelings, tastes and opinions. But of course, hypnotized volunteers, time and time again, rave about how much fun they had during a comedy hypnosis show. This is because most shows are designed specifically for fun!

It’s always great to see the hypnotized volunteers go back to their friends in the audience and laugh about what they said and did on the stage. Being hypnotized at a comedy show is a highly unique notch on someone’s belt; not everyone can say they’ve been hypnotized before. It’s a fun story that the participant gets to share for years to come and their friends will often bring it up as a memory of watching the volunteer do out of character things.

  1. Do Comedy Stage Hypnotists Ever Get Heckled?

Just like stand-up comedians and other performers, yes, hypnotists get heckled. But a stage hypnotist that has a great deal of showmanship and comical intelligence can turn even the most skeptic hecklers into believers.

  1. Can a Hypnotist Make Someone Fall in Love with Another Person on Stage?

While some stage hypnotists refute the idea that you can get someone to be enamored by someone else using hypnosis, Jesse Lewis goes against the grain. The basic answer most hypnotists will give is that you will never do anything against your morals while hypnotized.

But Jesse’s answer is a little more intriguing “I am going to disagree with most hypnotists and say, yes, you can hypnotize someone to like or dislike another person. Using certain hypnosis techniques, you can program thoughts and feelings in subconscious mind that then become emotions and actions. For an example, during a stage routine of my comedy stage hypnosis show, I get volunteers to love me or hate me for a short time period. This does not go long term however and is just part of the show.”

  1. Can a Hypnotist Make Someone Detest Another Person on Stage?

Just like being able to get someone to fall in love, you can use hypnosis to make someone hate another person. This involves planting suggestions in the volunteer’s subconscious that is triggered by a specific phrase or action.

  1. What Does Being Hypnotized in Estevan, Saskatchewan Feel Like?

Each person will have different stories of how they felt when they were hypnotized. The majority of hypnosis volunteers describe it as feeling like:

  • They’ve had the best night’s sleep of their life.
  • They knew what was going on around them and they just wanted to follow the hypnotist’s instructions. In other words they were fully aware they just did not care!
  • They were having an out of body experience and could see themselves on the stage.
  • They couldn’t hear anything but the hypnotist’s voice.
  • They were warm and just wanted to follow the suggestions

Hypnosis is a highly personal activity and you should experience it for yourself to see what you feel like. Overall, you will feel more relaxed than you ever have felt in your life.

  1. Do Hypnosis Volunteers Ever Regret Participating in the Comedy Show?

There are some stage hypnotists that don’t follow a moral or ethical code and do dirty shows and their volunteers may be filled with regret. However, Jesse Lewis can proudly say that he has never had a volunteer tell him that they regretted being in his comedy show in fact many come up after and thank him for the experience. When you hire a hypnotist, take our advice and hire a safe clean fun comedy hypnosis show.

  1. What’s the Funniest Thing You’ve Ever Seen at a Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show?

Jesse Lewis has performed comedy hypnosis shows all over Canada and has hypnotized thousands of people. When asked this question, three specific examples pop up in his head.

Jesse once hypnotized a Weather man to say fart instead of rain. It was hilarious!

  1. What Are Example Commands an Ethical Stage Hypnotist Would Use in a Show?

Each stage hypnotist has their own material that they perform, along with common hypnosis show interactive activities. So, for example, here are some ethical hypnosis commands that you will see in comedy hypnosis shows:

Removing Memories.  A hypnotist can make you forget your name or something trivial like the number seven.

Impersonating Celebrities. You haven’t laughed quite so hard until you see hypnotized volunteers pretend to be Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga.

Speaking Another Language. When a person is hypnotized, they can be made to believe that their native language is an alien language.

  1. Does the Hypnotist Embedded Suggestions Stay in My Brain After the Show is Over?

A professional stage hypnotist will remove all of the embedded suggestions at the end of the show. Any hypnotist that doesn’t remove the suggestions is highly negligent.

If for whatever reason a volunteer still feels like they’re hypnotized, the residual feelings will wear off in as little as 10 minutes after the show. In some rare cases, it can take a couple of hours but no one will be stuck in a hypnotic trance indefinitely.

Some hypnotists use a final motivational skit and that last suggestion is not removed and can in fact help people throughout their lives moving forward.  

  1. Will I Remember What I Did on Stage as a Hypnotized Volunteer in Estevan, Saskatchewan?

You should remember what happened on stage as much as you remember anything else. We don’t remember everything we do everywhere and stage hypnosis is no different.  Despite popular belief, a hypnotized volunteer doesn’t experience amnesia or forgetfulness due to hypnosis. If he or she doesn’t remember what happened, they are just not remembering as someone would with any memory.

  1. Do Stage Hypnotists Follow a Comedy Hypnosis Script?

Some stage hypnotists will follow a script down to every word. However, you want to find a comedy hypnotist that is able to keep the show going off-script. Book a comedy hypnotist that is flexible and thinks well on their feet. During hypnosis shows things arise that cannot be foreseen which is why you need to have someone who can think on their feet.

But most stage hypnosis shows will include a standard pre-talk script that the hypnotist uses in the majority of their shows. Anything can happen at a comedy hypnosis show!

  1. Is a Comedy Hypnosis Show Appropriate for Corporate or Business Settings?

By now, you realize that comedy stage hypnosis shows are infinitely adaptable. A stage hypnotist is often called upon by large and small corporations to entertain their employees for staff parties and other events. Whether it’s a holiday party or an event celebrating a big company milestone, hypnosis shows can bring huge laughs and a bonding experience to your staff.

You can also request specific workshop material to be created for a show unique to your brand and company. The possibilities are truly endless. Right now Jesse has workshops for corporate groups on:

  • Hypnotic Team building
  • Hypnotic Communication
  • Hypnotic Leadership
  • Hypnotic Stress Management
  • Hypnotic Sales

Jesse Lewis has performed for some of the largest Fortune 500 Companies on the globe. Many large companies realize that a comedy hypnosis show is a great morale booster and treat for their employees.

  1. Can a Stage Hypnotist Teach Hypnosis While Performing a Show?

Highly skilled stage hypnotists can educate your audience while also performing a stage hypnosis demonstration. Jesse Lewis is often asked to provide a deeper insight into hypnosis while performing his comedy hypnosis shows.

When Jesse Lewis performs hypnosis in educational arenas, he takes the time to teach the students about hypnosis.

  1. Can a Hypnotist Teach Sales Professionals How to Use Covert Hypnosis In Estevan, Saskatchewan?

While this a unique request, there are a handful of hypnotists that can teach your sales team covert hypnosis and the art of suggestion. This is the only hypnosis that Jesse Lewis does not film as it is secretive.

Since it’s a highly secretive process, you can request more information about a hypnotic sales workshop in the workshops section of

  1. Who Promotes the Comedy Hypnosis Events; the booker or the Hypnotist in Estevan, Saskatchewan?

Each stage hypnotist will have different marketing and public relation strategies when it comes to promoting their shows. Discuss what you would like with the hypnotists that you’re inquiring with.

When you book Hypnotist Jesse Lewis, you’ll get pre-formatted press releases, pictures and other resources to use in your marketing efforts!

  1. How Much Does a Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show Cost?

The answer to this is that it depends on the hypnotist, the quality of the show, travel distance and other factors. Each hypnotist is different some work for a hot dog while others are $50000 per show. To get a quote for the Jesse Lewis Hypnosis show simply go to select the type of show you are looking for and fill out the form.

  1. How Do I Book Jesse Lewis for a Show?

Wow, you’ve reached the bottom of this very detailed page! Holy cow; bravo! You must really be interested in comedy stage hypnosis shows.

After reading this free breakdown of the top FAQ’s stage hypnotists receive, you should be all set to make an educated decision as to which stage hypnotist is best for your event. If based on his answers, you’re convinced that you MUST have Canada’s best hypnotist Jesse Lewis at your next event, booking is an easy process.

To get a quote for the Jesse Lewis Hypnosis show simply go to select the type of show you are looking for and fill out the form.