Leadership plays a key role in moving your organization forward.

Why A Hypnotic Leadership Workshop Is The Right Choice!

Absolutely anyone—Owners, CEO’s, nurses, accountants, introverts, extroverts—can learn to successfully apply the tools of hypnosis and comedy to cultivate more energy, spontaneity, self-trust, and creativity in everyday life. Hypnotic leadership is how you build toward sustainable growth and cultivate amazing culture in your workplace.

Hypnotic Leadership is an effective solution to help build your teams dynamic and get people working together!

Hypnotic Improv comedy requires quick thinking, collaboration, getting out of our own way, and being in the moment without being a perfectionist. These are skills we can all learn to use to be happier and more effective each day.

Jesse Lewis’s brand of applied Hypnotic improvisation will encourage your team to bond over a fun and unique experience that will improve their overall performance by helping them communicate, and stay flexible, and build the skills to successfully manage change.

Jesse’s funny and fast-paced workshops—from break-out sessions to day-long training’s—are smart, lively, approachable, energetic and engaging. OF COURSE they are customized for your event.

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Stage Hypnotist Jesse Lewis

STEP 1: Fill out the form so Jesse can contact you!! STEP 2: Jesse will set up a time for your - No obligation - consultation call! STEP 3: When you choose to move forward we pick a time and date for your workshop. STEP 4: Jesse Builds your customized Hypnotic Team Building Workshop! STEP 5: Your customized Hypnotic Team Building Workshop is A Hit!

Leadership workshops with Jesse Lewis are an excellent opportunity for individuals and organizations to develop and improve their leadership skills. Jesse Lewis is a renowned leadership expert and motivational speaker, who has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve their goals.

One of the key benefits of leadership workshops with Jesse Lewis is that they provide a safe and supportive environment for participants to learn, grow, and develop their leadership skills. Jesse’s workshops are interactive and engaging, and he uses a variety of techniques, such as group discussions, role-playing, and case studies, to ensure that participants are actively involved in the learning process.

Another benefit of Jesse’s leadership workshops is that they are tailored to meet the specific needs of the participants. He works closely with organizations to understand their goals and objectives, and he designs his workshops to help participants achieve those goals. Jesse’s workshops are also suitable for individuals at all levels of leadership, whether you are a new leader just starting out or an experienced leader looking to improve your skills.

Attending a leadership workshop with Jesse Lewis can help individuals and organizations achieve a variety of goals. Some of the most common benefits of his workshops include:

  • Improved communication and collaboration skills
  • Increased confidence and self-awareness
  • Better decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Greater ability to inspire and motivate teams
  • Enhanced ability to lead and manage change

Jesse Lewis is an expert in leadership development, and his workshops are an excellent opportunity for individuals and organizations to improve their leadership skills. If you are looking to develop your leadership skills, we highly recommend attending a leadership workshop with Jesse Lewis.

In conclusion, Jesse Lewis leadership workshops are an excellent way for individuals and organizations to develop and improve their leadership skills. With his expertise, interactive and tailored approach, and an array of benefits, one can be sure to take away valuable learning and insights that will help them in their leadership journey.

Conducting an effective leadership workshop can be a real challenge for a variety of reasons. Often, leaders attending the workshop are pre-occupied with putting out fires at the office. Sometimes, leaders have an “attitude” about the need for any training at all as if they were born leaders and just want to tough it out!  They might feel like they already know what to do. As with all adult learning experiences, they must not only be educational, but also engaging and entertaining. Leaders are not born they are created and to be a good one takes education skill development and just plain old good management!

Here are some activities that you might want to consider:

Games or exercises that teach a point. There are a variety of games that can be used to teach a point about teamwork, organizational skills, and communications. They can be found in a variety of workbooks or found on websites with a quick google search. The important point is that there must be a lesson that can be associated with the game. Simply playing games may be entertaining, but it will be a wasted opportunity to engage leaders unless there is a “teachable moment.” These teachable moments can provide real breakthroughs for your leadership team!

Review assessments and personal reflection. Many leadership workshops include some type of assessment that participants take before they arrive.  A psychological or personality test. The workshop is an opportunity to discuss the results of the test and how they can be applied. The participants might then be given an opportunity to reflect upon the discussion and their personal results so that they can have an action plan when they get back to the office. The test can also provide insights into  the potential leader is doing wrong and may be able to offer guidance to correct any difficulties they may be having.

Challenges and projects with after-action reviews. Another opportunity for teaching leadership is to organize the group into teams and assign them a project. This is one form of “action learning.” The project can be a simple task or something more complicated, but one which challenges the team to work together to accomplish the assigned task. For example, one project that has been used in an executive development program was to have the group do a survival exercise. The participants are given all the materials, the tools, and instructions, but they are left unto themselves to self-organize and get the job done within a specified period of time. At the end of the exercise, the team is debriefed to capture lessons learned using the technique pioneered in the military known as an after-action-review. The review consists of a discussion to understand what went well, what did not go well, and what lessons could be applied for the future.

Discuss and debrief case studies. A common technique used in business schools is a discussion built around a case study. The subject of the case study should be a relevant topic for the group. If the facilitator has time, he or she might be able to construct a case study from something that recently happened at the company for workshop participants who are all from the same organization. By making the subject relevant to the participants, the workshop will likely be more engaging than if it is simply based on some theoretical case that may or may not a direct relevance.

The key to effective leadership workshops is to make sure that they are really “workshops.” They must be engaging and require active participation or “work” by the attendees. If they are simply lectures, then they will not be nearly as effective. Adult learners generally prefer activities which have a teachable moment or an “ah-ha” outcome. It is through the self-discovery process when lessons are learned in a way that they become more memorable. Memorable lessons are more likely to be applied, and application of the learning is the best test of a successful workshop. Structure your next workshop around one of these action learning ideas.