Once you have booked your entertainment the most important thing you can do is promote your event! You want a sell out and So do I! While I can not guarantee a sellout I want to give you a few tools that may help make the process easier!
Over the years tools for promoting have changed but not the premise. For many groups learning the basics of how to promote an event is very hard. They have the same event year after year to lessening returns. The whole point of events is to make them bigger every single year. So on this page I am going to give you the basic tools for promoting an event with me Jesse Lewis
A Basic Promotional Plan!
Let’s Get Started to Help You PROMOTE the Entertainment!
Anything you do to promote your upcoming hypnosis show to your attendees in advance of your event will dramatically improve the quality and quantity of volunteer participation in your show.
You NEVER want make this kind of entertainment a “surprise,” because that would eliminate the factor of mental expectation – one of the core principles of hypnosis!
So please take the opportunities to freely mention the Comedy Hypnosis show as much as possible!
Here are some easily editable google slides you can use to promote the show:
Part of the promotion process is anticipation. That is what the countdown clock is for. You can use it to promote without sharing specifics about the event while you get all of the finer details ironed out and still build anticipation.
To use this just click the slide you want. Edit it to what you want, click file, click download and download as a Jpeg. Then post it to your social media profiles and pages.
Please note: To edit them please make a copy on your own google drive and edit there.