The Jesse Lewis 8 Week Show Promotional Guide:

So you have booked the Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show or you are looking to promote any event in general for your group!

Congratulations on your decision it is going to be fantastic! In the past I have worked with many groups that have never promoted a show before and it is in both of our interests to have a sell as many tickets as possible for the show! My goal is to make sure you have a great event!

That is why I came up with – The 8 Week Show Promotional Plan. No matter if the show is only a few weeks away we still want to make sure we are promoting as best we can to sell those tickets.  Please keep in mind that most social media platforms allow you to schedule your posts. this allows you to do the majority of online promotional work at one time or spaced out over a few days!

If you would like to learn how to schedule posts for your event on Facebook please see this guide:   If you have an Instagram account the process will post on both Instagram and Facebook at the same time!

It is important to note that generally you will post about 2 to 3 times per week about your event. You want maximum exposure without burning people out on your message. 2 to 3 posts per week make it so it is not too much but also not too little. The last 2 days before the event you will post 3 times per day to make sure the message is out for any last minute ticket holders.

What if you sell out: POST ANYWAY And on every post say the show has sold out. You still want to make sure the word is out about the event and get excitement going about the awesome event your group is having!

If you are looking at getting sponsors for your event, please look at my guide for getting sponsors as well. it can be found here: 


Information you will need prior to promoting your event:

  • Show Date
  • City
  • Venue
  • Ticketing information
  • Sponsor information if applicable
  • Posting access to your groups social pages – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Poster Templates and Social media post templates can be found here:

Press Releases For The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show can be found at the end of this guide:

Please copy them to your own google account and you will be able to edit them there.

8 Weeks out:

  • Posters printed and placed in as many relevant spots in your local area as possible. This is a good opportunity to sell tickets to the businesses you are putting the posters up in. Sometimes businesses will do group buys or table sales at a discounted rate for their staff or customers. Talk to your group to see if this is appropriate. Also if you are looking at getting sponsors this is the time to do it! Check out my sponsorship guide here:
  • Post on social media about your upcoming show on your personal and group pages. If you choose to make an event, remember to post on it as well. Post on Facebook Instagram twitter and any other socials that you can think of you do not know where your audience is on socials.

Video post 1:

The text for below the video:

Get Hypnotized! (YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

2 Days later: Post poster again to social media

2 days later sponsor post if applicable

7 weeks out

Video Post 2:

Thank any sponsors you have via your socials. It is best to thank each one on a separate post to make each single sponsor shine.

Once again, the same text can be used!

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

Send out pre-formatted press release 1 to local media – Radio, TV, Newspaper

2 days later sponsor post if applicable


6 Weeks out:

Video post 3:

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets Can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

2 Days later: Post poster again to social media

2 days later sponsor post if applicable

5 weeks out:

Video Post 4:

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets Can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

Send out pre-formatted press release 2

2 days later sponsor post if applicable

4 Weeks Out

Video Post 5:

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

2 Days later: Post poster again to social media

2 days later sponsor post if applicable

 3 Weeks out

Video post 6:

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

Send out pre-formatted press release 3

2 days later sponsor post if applicable

2 Weeks Out

Video post 7:

2 Days later: Post poster again to social media

Send out pre-formatted press release 1

2 days later sponsor post if applicable


1 Week Out

Video post 8:

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

2 Days later: Post poster again to social media

2 days later sponsor post if applicable

Day before show:

Video post 9:

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

2 Days later: Post poster again to social media

Day of show:

Video Post 10:

(YOUR GROUP NAME) are proud to announce that we are bringing The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show to (CITY) On (DATE) at (Time Event Opens). Tickets can be purchased at (Ticket Info)

2 Days later: Post poster again to social media

Additional Opportunities:

it is best to make sure your tickets are available at multiple outlets. Local businesses often hold and sell tickets for events like these.

The Second option is to sell online I have used eventbrite to sell tickets in the past:

There is a fee to use them per ticket however having tickets available online on demand is a huge asset for most events.


You should look for as many free advertising platforms as possible. Free is always good. KIJIJI, local FB groups and event pages, Community event pages, and even classifieds. Contact as many places as possible for free ads.

Radio spots:

Public service announcements are provided to groups like yours ever single day. It would be unfortunate for you to miss out on this opportunity. take your information along with your press release down to the local station and chances are they will do a spot for you to promote your event!

Radio interviews:

If you take your press release to the station make sure on the bottom of it it says to contact Jesse Lewis for an interview. these interviews are usually done over the phone and are a great way to promote your event!

Cable TV:

in some areas local television may want to run information about your event. Contact all local stations with the press releases provided and let them know Jesse is available to do video interviews online.